
Ransomware Infects Hosting Company; Decryption Costs A Million Dollars

A South Korean web hosting company called NAYANA has been the victim of what appears to be one of the largest, if not the largest ransomware attacks in the history […]

Banking Trojan Trickbot Sets Sights On Paypal Users

If you’ve never heard of a banking Trojan called Dyre, then consider yourself lucky. When Russian officials stormed the headquarters of the company that created it, it was heralded as […]

Girl Scouts Add Cybersecurity Badge

The Girl Scouts are perhaps best known for their awesome cookies, but like their brother organization, the Boy Scouts, the girls in uniform do a lot more than just that. […]

Amazon Ends Its Unlimited Cloud Storage Tier

All good things must eventually come to an end, and finally, Amazon has bowed to external pressure. The company has just announced the end of their unlimited cloud storage tier. […]

Ransomware Named Petya May Be Next Wannacry

After the global Wannacry attack and Microsoft’s emergency patch to close the loopholes that made it possible, you might have been lulled into thinking that a similar attack was no […]

PowerPoint File Can Install Malware On Your System

The fact that Microsoft Office Products (Word, PowerPoint and Excel) can be used to install malware onto an unsuspecting user’s computer has been common knowledge for years. But recently, security […]

New Malware Called Fireball Infecting PCs, Macs At Alarming Rate

If you haven’t heard of a company called Rafotech, you’re not alone. But the simple truth is that they control an enormous network of infected computers, numbering more than 250 […]

If You Visited This Site, You May Have Been Infected

Do you visit the GodLike Productions forum? If you’re not sure what that is, then you don’t have anything to worry about, but if you’re a member of that forum, […]

Hackers Can Easily Access Some WiMax Routers

If you use a router built on old WiMAX technology, be advised that you’re very likely at risk. The severe security flaws were discovered by the security firm SEC Consult, […]

Update Issued To Address Microsoft Malware Engine Issue

Microsoft has issued an emergency, out-of-band patch to shore up some critical weaknesses in Window’s Malware Protection Engine. This is an unseen part of the OS that actively scans and […]


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