
Malware Is Being Loaded On Computers To Mine For CryptoCurrencies

Since the development of BitCoin, cyrptocurrencies have seen a tremendous surge in popularity. In fact, in recent months, the value of all the major cryptocurrencies currently available has spiked, fueling […]

Display Widgets WordPress Plugin Gives Hackers Access

WordPress is the most popular CMS on the planet. It has been the reigning king of websites for years, and all indications are that it will continue to be so. […]

Bashware Is A Major Concern For Windows 10 PCs

If you haven’t heard the term “Bashware,” you’re not alone, but in the weeks and months ahead, you can bet you’ll be hearing more about it. The reason? Recently, Microsoft […]

New MicroSD Card Can Hold Up To 400GB Of Data

Technophiles rejoice! SanDisk has just announced a new 400GB microSD card, which is good news for just about everyone. Let’s face it, even if you’re not a technophile, you probably […]

Latin Social Network Taringa Breach Could Affect 28 Million Users

A highly popular Latin social media company called “Taringa” recently suffered a massive data breach that impacted some 28 million users, which is essentially its entire user base. The breach […]

Recent CCleaner Hack Could Have Spread Malware To Millions

You’ve probably heard of the popular app, “CCleaner.” Owned by Avast, this handy utility boasts more than two billion downloads and currently has more than two million active users. As […]

Massive Pacemaker Recall Over Hacking Threat

The FDA recently issued a recall order on nearly half a million pacemakers that have serious security flaws. They could allow hackers to take control of them, run their batteries […]

Newly Discovered Vulnerabilities In Bluetooth Could Affect Your Devices

If you haven’t heard of the “BlueBorne” attack vector yet, you probably will in the months ahead It’s perhaps one of the most invasive, pervasive attack vectors in the history […]

HIPAA Compliance, Enforcement Top Priority For New Agency Head

Roger Severino is a man on a mission. If you’re not familiar with the name, and your company has to comply with HIPAA regulations, then you’ll probably be hearing a […]

Google Has Found A Way To Increase Internet Speed

Google has taken up the task of making the internet faster, not by installing thousands of miles of fiber optic cable, but rather, with math. The big brains in Google’s […]


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